Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Explain why a permission marketing approach is required for a B2C site.

Permission Marketing merupakan salah satu tindak lanjut pada CRM dalam mendukung salah satu tujuan e-marketing yaitu push to pull atau dengan kata lain dengan mensegmentasikan konsumen (B2C), berdasarkan behavior daripada customer itu sendiri. Namun, permission marketing dilakukan karena harus mendapat persetujuan dari customer berdasarkan etika bisnis, agar informasi yang dikirim tidak dianggap sebagai spam.

Istilah Permission Marketing pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Seth Godin, seorang mantan Vice President Marketing dari Yahoo melalui bukunya yang berjudul Permission Marketing (Godin, 1999). Ada dua jenis permission marketing, yaitu :
- Opt-out, dimana setiap anggota yang sudah teregistrasi pada sebuah situs harus menyetujui untuk menerima semua informasi maketing yang dikirimkan.
- Opt-in, merupakan sebuah pendekatan permission marketing yang akan menghasilkan receptive audience lebih banyak walaupun daftar pelanggan akan menjadi lebih kecil. Hal ini memacu perusahaan untuk lebih sering melakukan implicit permission marketing pada situs mereka.

Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam Permission marketing B2C :
1. format pesan.
Format pesan harus disesuaikan dengan content dan kebutuhan customer. Jangan terlalu banyak dan membingungkan. Manfaatkan rich media sebaik mungkin.

2. list managemen.
Data customer yang dikelola untuk mendapatkan informasi yang tepat untuk customer. Aplikasinya bisa berupa contact lists, mailer lists, subscriptions dan unsubscription, opt-ins dan opt-outs, bounce lists dll.

3. campaign delivery
otomatisasi pengiriman email berdasarkan jadwal customer, prioritas.

4. response tracking
untuk mengetahui seberapa cepat tanggapan dan pembelian customer terhadap informasi yang dikirimkan. Semakin cepat semakin intens bagi perusahaan dalam mengirimkan informasi lebih lanjut.

5. Anti spam measure
Alat pengkukur anti spam yang digunakan untuk meyakinkan customer bahwa email atau informasi yang dikirimkan bukanlah spam.

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Select a particular market sector and assess the past, current and future customer use of the Internet as a medium to select and buy products.

Game Console And Game Online

The Past

Dulu, sebelum game online publish . kita semua memainkan console game seperti Atari, sega, Nintendo, super Nintendo. Namun, waktu itu console game belumlah sebagus seperti sekarang.

Kelemahan game console dulu :
1. jenis dan jumlah game yang terbatas
2. media penyimpanan yang mahal (catridge)
3. gambar yang kurang real, karena tingkat graphic processor yang rendah.
4. kecepatan yang kurang maksimal, karena microprocessor yang rendah
5. video resolution yang kurang halus.
6. belum adanya online services


Namun sekarang , console game mengalami kemajuan, seperti xbox 360, PS3 , Nintendo wii dan Nintendo DS

Kelebihan x-box 360 :
1. memiliki microprocessor yang tinggi (3.2 GHz / IBM Power Pc)
2. memiliki Graphic processor dan video resolution yang tinggi (ATI 500MHz)
3. memiliki hard drive dan memory card dalam media penyimpanan, sehingga lebih murah dan praktis.
4. mempunyai online service, bisa online gaming, voice chat, dan text messaging. Bisa juga download movie atau TV programming

kelebihan PS3 :
1. memiliki microprocessor yang tinggi, sama seperti xbox 360
2. menggunakan optical drive berupa dvd blue ray, sehingga resolusi yang dihasilkan lebih tinggi gambar yang ditampilkan lebih jelas.

Namun, online service pada PS3 hanya sebatas web browser dan game demo, dan game store.

Kelebihan Nintendo wii :

1. menggunakan controller Bluetooth wireless full motion sensing controller
sehingga para gamer akan memainkan game seperti dunia nyata dengan ikut menggerakkan badan.

Seperti halnya PS3, dalam online service pada nintendo wii hanya sebatas online shopping, weather, news, web browsing dan e-mail.

Namun ada hal yang menarik yang harus kita telusuri, yaitu game online pada PC game.

Game online ’merebut’ pangsa pasar game sebesar 75%..

Tentu dalam hal ini, game online memiliki beberapa kelebihan , antara lain :

1. pengguna internet yang semakin meningkat
2. tidak perlu membeli console khusus untuk memainkan game online.
3. tidak perlu membeli game tersebut
4. bisa dimainkan dimana saja
5. bisa berinteraksi dengan pemain lain di manapun.
6. bisa mengcreate karakter sendiri (kostumisasi)


Dari Trend di atas, kita bisa melihat behavior drpada gamer, yaitu murah, bisa kostumisasi, interaksi, ingin menemukan cara bermain yang baru, ingin bermain di mana saja dan kapan saja (praktis dan portable).

Untuk itu sebenarnya kita bisa menggabungkan console game dgn game online tersebut, mungkin kita bisa membuat console game yang bisa memainkan game online dengan tombol-tombol yang telah diconvert menjadi lebih sederhana .
Sehingga game online bisa menjadi lebih ”portable”.

Tentunya harus didukung dengan web seperti forum, download, chatting, online shopping yang berkaitan dengan game online seperti asesories, etc. dan news.

Jadi seperti One Stop Portable Gaming

Rabu, 22 April 2009

Critically assess the claims made for cost savings and increased profitability available for e-procurement.

A PurchasePro Inc. White Paper

The primary objective of a business is to make a profit. Every business unit is charged with meeting these financial objectives, and for corporate purchasing organizations, this means finding ways to become more efficient and save money.
Every company, no matter its size or industry, buys goods and services. The total amount of expenditures is staggering. According to AMR Research, U.S. public companies spent an average of 63% of revenues for direct goods and services, and another 18% for indirect goods, for a total of $11.5 trillion in 1999. The math is pretty straightforward -- companies devote the bulk of their revenues to purchase other goods.
With so much money flowing through the purchasing process, it should be one of the most highly tuned corporate functions of all. While strides have been made to optimize purchasing activities, with an average of $107 spent to process a typical purchase order (PO), room remains for greater efficiencies and cost savings. Many large companies have invested significant sums implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) packages to bolster their purchasing productivity. But many mid and smaller-sized companies are at a disadvantage. There, financial constraints seldom permit large investments in ERP or other proprietary software packages. As a result, manual or paper processes are common, and lengthy cycle times between requisition and fulfillment are the norm. Productivity and efficiency are lower than desired, and significant opportunities for cost savings go untapped.
Thankfully for purchasing organizations, there is a powerful yet affordable solution offering immediate and substantial ROI -- the e-procurement platform. This platform offers a dynamic, real-time purchasing environment that allows buyers to transact with vendors for goods and services. It streamlines and automates the purchasing process, distributes purchasing power to authorized users, standardizes buying methods, controls overall spending and leverages corporate purchasing to negotiate better deals. The result is increased productivity, greater efficiency, less maverick buying, and lower transaction costs. And a hefty contribution to the corporate bottom line.
Let the numbers speak for themselves. A Deloitte Consulting survey found that companies expect to save from 5 to 15% of total corporate spending by implementing e-procurement initiatives. Research firm Aberdeen Group reports that with e-procurement, transaction processing costs drop by 70%, from an average of $107 to $30 per order. And industry experts from PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Killen & Associates claim that a 5 to 10% savings in purchasing costs can increase profit margins by 28 to 50%.
The business case for e-procurement is compelling. With a number of cost-effective e-procurement solutions available today, the real bottom line is that purchasing organizations cannot afford to miss the e-procurement opportunity.
The Benefits of e-Procurement
E-procurement solutions level the playing field between large and small companies alike. For a reasonable investment, every company can bring significant improvements to the purchasing process and enjoy high returns by taking advantage of an e-procurement platform. From productivity improvements to efficiency increases to quantifiable cost savings, the benefits of e-procurement are concrete and eminently justifiable.
To make the proposition even more attractive, service providers such as PurchasePro offer hosted e-procurement solutions that can be deployed for a reasonable cost, with little time or effort, and no ongoing maintenance or support burden. PAGE Co-op, for example, a purchasing cooperative that buys products and services for 750 newspapers and printing facilities across the U.S., uses an e-procurement solution powered by PurchasePro to aggregate and fully leverage its members' $175 million in annual spending.
E-procurement benefits stem from automating procurement activities and streamlining purchasing workflow, both internally and with vendors. These extensive benefits include:
Productivity Improvements
• Automating manual processes and reducing paperwork increases the throughput of purchasing requests, and frees purchasing agents for more important work such as managing vendors and negotiating better deals.
• Distributing purchasing capabilities to end users allows purchasing organizations to spend more time on management and oversight rather than administrative tasks.
• Allowing end users to purchase products directly shortens the cycle time between order and fulfillment.
• Standardizing purchasing methods reduces the learning curve for novice purchasers, ensures consistency between POs, and decreases the odds that a purchase order will be delayed due to missing or invalid information.
Efficiency Increases
• Eliminating manual processes and paperwork reduces the opportunity for human errors, inaccuracies and reworks.
• Automating approvals, escalations and triggering events ensures that POs are expedited quickly.
• Finding products is easier when vendor catalogs and product information are available online and amenable to searches.
• Issuing a PO is quicker when it is generated and submitted automatically; line item POs -- a single PO with multiple items sourced from different vendors -- reduce the need for separate POs for each vendor.
• Built-in auditing and reporting tools make managing the purchasing function more professional and predictable.
Cost Savings
• Automating the purchasing process lowers transaction costs per PO and reduces the administrative overhead of the purchasing organization.
• Funneling all purchasing through an e-procurement platform reduces or eliminates maverick buying.
• Shortening the time between demand and fulfillment lessens the need to stockpile inventory, lowering overall inventory carrying costs.
• Using an e-procurement platform to track and aggregate corporate spending gives a company greater leverage with vendors and the ability to negotiate more favorable contract terms.
• Relying on the auditing and reporting capabilities of the platform, a company can identify vendors that consistently outperform their peers and direct purchases to these high performers.
Vendors also benefit from participating in e-procurement platforms. Automating and streamlining their selling and order processing functions produce many benefits complementary to those cited above. For example, vendors can enjoy cost savings through improved forecasting. By analyzing e-procurement transaction data, vendors can better match their products and services, and time their production schedules, to fit customer needs.

How e-Procurement Works
e-Procurement solutions consist of online platforms where companies can perform their everyday purchasing activities from requisition to final payment. These platforms rely on technology to automate and streamline the purchasing process, and the Internet to connect with vendors, fulfill orders and transact business.

A pure e-procurement platform is a one-to-many solution. That is, a single company (the buyer) establishes the platform and recruits multiple vendors to sign on. Usually, a company will license the platform from a service provider who will operate and administer the underlying infrastructure. Vendors use this same service provider to hook up to the company's e-procurement platform. Once the platform is established, individual buyers can research and purchase products and services, negotiate with vendors, and take advantage of related, value-added services. Vendors can promote products, respond to requisitions and accept orders. For example, the MGM Grand hotel uses its custom-branded e-procurement platform powered by PurchasePro to aggregate the purchasing of its restaurants, food outlets and banquet functions, and source food and beverage needs to dozens of vendors.
How does an e-procurement platform work? After selecting a platform, the company determines who will be allowed to transact business on it -- the purchasing organization, individual users or both. Using platform tools, the company sets up authorizations, approvals, spending limits, access rights and other purchasing policies for each buyer and/or by department, mirroring current workflow. The company also identifies preferred or contract vendors that it will invite to participate in its e-procurement platform.
A vendor's initial task is to create an electronic description of its products and/or services, typically in the form of a catalog. An e-procurement solution will often include tools to create, maintain and even import catalogs. Vendors ensure that their contract terms and pricing reflect any pre-negotiated deals or discounts applicable to the buyer.
After these basic set-up tasks, buyers are ready to use the e-procurement platform. They can research items, view vendor promotions and browse catalogs. They can request quotes, ask multiple vendors to bid competitively for their business and engage in price negotiations. Managers can review and take action on automatically routed approvals. Requisitions and POs can be issued through the platform and matched with receipted goods. Buyers can set up automatic POs for recurring transactions. Vendors can advertise sales, update catalogs, respond to bids, negotiate with buyers and accept POs. Both the purchaser and vendors can use the reporting and tracking capabilities of the platform to generate audit trails, analyze the performance of the counter-party(ies), and evaluate buying and selling patterns.
Procurement Considerations
Using an e-procurement platform on a day-to-day basis is straightforward. Deciding how to best deploy and exploit the platform for maximum effect is the real challenge.

A grandiose plan for using an e-procurement platform is hardly necessary, but a company should have some minimal strategy outlining its goals and how to achieve them. Understanding current purchasing patterns and how they fit into an e-procurement environment is a necessary initial step. First, the efficiency gains and cost savings that a company can reap from e-procurement correlate to the amount spent on goods. If the bulk of purchasing dollars are spent on a particular category of goods, then a company should concentrate first on migrating that category to the e-procurement platform. Similarly, if the majority of dollars are directed to certain classes of vendors, then those vendors should be targeted as early recruits to the platform. In addition, certain categories of spending and types of vendors may require more coordination and integration to transfer to the platform, making them better candidates for the latter phase of the rollout.
Companies should consider the following four factors when developing their e-procurement strategy.
• Type of spending
Companies buy a great range of goods and services from paper to computers to electricity to flour to steel. These goods can be categorized as indirect or direct goods. Indirect goods and services are ordinary, commodity supplies like paper, airline tickets and cleaning services -- things that virtually every company buys. Companies purchase indirect goods from horizontal, or non-industry specific, vendors such as Xerox, Office Max or Travelocity, and use standard shipping and settlement methods for the goods.
Direct goods, in contrast, are raw materials, parts and components used as inputs into processes that create finished products. Every industry relies on a different set of direct goods, and buyers obtain them from industry-specific or vertical vendors. Direct goods often require special logistics and fulfillment.
Companies may want to start their e-procurement efforts with indirect goods. Their standard nature, and the relative openness of these horizontal vendors to B2B solutions, makes them more straightforward to include. After gaining e-procurement experience with indirect goods, companies can begin to include direct goods. Although a higher percentage of purchasing dollars may be spent on direct goods, their specialized nature and more complicated logistical requirements make them more suitable candidates for secondary deployment.
• Contract vs. spot
Companies source goods and services in two ways -- either under contract with a vendor or through spot purchases. Companies use contracts to lock in favorable pricing or ensure a steady supply of goods. These contracts are usually heavily negotiated, tend to be long-term and signal a closer relationship between buyer and vendor. Spot purchases occur when a company has a specific, immediate need and wants to fill it at the lowest possible price. Relationships between buyer and vendor matter little in this situation.
Because companies have closer, longer-term relationships with their contract vendors, and tend to make high volume purchases under those contracts, contract vendors may be willing to be early adopters of the company's e-procurement platform. Further, since these purchases represent high dollars, companies can extract potentially greater savings by conducting them over the platform. Companies may be able to fulfill their spot purchases by using their e-procurement platform to connect to a larger B2B marketplace, populated by many vendors, and sponsored by their service provider.
• Vendor recruitment
The success of an e-procurement platform depends in large part on the number and types of vendors that join. A company should not underestimate the time and effort involved in recruiting vendors. Many vendors are barraged with requests to join various competing platforms. The less expense, effort and custom work involved in joining a platform, the more likely a vendor will actually do so. The amount of leverage a company has with a vendor is also instrumental in getting a vendor to sign on. The more business a vendor does with a company, the more receptive it will be to joining the company's platform.
The features of the e-procurement platform that a company chooses, and the qualities of the service provider, are crucial to the vendor recruitment effort. First, the service provider should make it cost-effective for the vendor to join. Built-in tools should limit the amount of effort involved in setting up a catalog etc., and the platform should require a minimal amount of custom work on the part of the vendor. Second, the service provider should be willing to assist a company in its recruitment efforts by supplying targeted marketing services and programs, and by offering extensive customer service and support.
• Access to larger B2B forums
Although a company can reap enormous benefits by setting up its own e-procurement platform populated by invited vendors, it may on occasion want to source goods and services from a wider vendor community. By choosing an e-procurement platform that is compatible with, and can seamlessly connect, to other B2B platforms, marketplaces and exchanges, a company can take advantage of favorable buying opportunities while retaining the benefits of its custom e-procurement platform. Larger service providers will typically sponsor a variety of B2B commerce platforms -- both private and public -- and will allow participants in one forum to interact with others to the extent desired.
Features of an e-Procurement Platform
e-Procurement platforms have a full range of features. Some features are necessary -- the platform must have sufficient security to ensure the integrity and privacy of data exchanged over it. Other features, like administrative utilities to manage authorizations and workflow, will vary among solutions. A good e-procurement platform will offer the following buy-side capabilities to purchasing organizations.
• Research -- the ability to browse vendor catalogs, perform keyword searches for products and services, and apply filters for vendor location, diversity status, etc.
• Manage vendors -- the ability to access real-time vendor product information, select vendors from contract or even public lists, and analyze transaction data for vendor performance.
• Create authorizations/approval routing -- the ability to specify user/departmental authorizations, spending limits, and access rights that mirror existing workflow, and route approvals and documentation to managers for approval.
• Request quotes and bids -- the ability to request quotes, solicit bids from one or several vendors simultaneously, view multiple responses based on characteristics such as quantity or price, and negotiate pricing.
• Make purchases-- the ability to generate POs (including line item POs) on command or automatically for recurring purchases, send POs to vendors electronically and request order confirmation.
• Check order status -- the ability to check the status of all open orders and requisitions.
• Handle receivables -- the ability to match received merchandise to the corresponding PO for reporting of partial orders, refusals and damaged goods.
An e-procurement platform must also have capabilities that support vendors. Look for an e-procurement platform that enables vendors to get online with minimal effort, and gives them enough functionality to engage in transactions and process POs with relative ease. Important sell-side capabilities that will attract vendors include:
• Manage buyers-- the ability to monitor purchases, analyze buying patterns, and document PO history from initial request to final payment.
• Manage catalogs -- the ability to create and/or import product catalogs, and to maintain them on an ongoing basis, using platform tools.
• Promote products and services -- the ability to advertise or promote special offers
• Respond to quotes and bids -- the ability to respond to quotes and bids, and negotiate pricing.
• Accept orders -- the ability to accept POs and track them through payment.
The e-procurement platform may also offer a host of value-added services ranging from reporting and auditing capabilities, specialized content and information management, wireless support, financial services and settlement.
e-Procurement: How to Start
Getting started with e-procurement is easy -- just tap into a service provider that offers a hosted, yet customizable, e-procurement platform. Depending on the service provider, and the range of B2B solutions that it offers, chances are that one or more of your vendors will already be online and participating in one of the provider's B2B marketplaces, exchanges or other forums.
While some companies may choose to build their own e-procurement solution from scratch or implement a proprietary software package, most will find it unnecessary. Building an e-procurement solution takes energy, commitment and a substantial financial investment. Convincing vendors to join is no small task, especially if your platform involves costly, time-consuming, one-off implementation work that is incompatible with other B2B ventures the vendor may join.
Purchaser and Vendor Preparations
If you join forces with the right service provider, establishing an e-procurement platform is a straightforward task. The purchaser and its vendors must prepare, but preparations are not difficult. For a purchaser, most of the rules and workflow that must be specified for the e-procurement engine are already in place and in use at their organization. The work is simply a matter of putting these rules into an electronic format.
From the purchaser's perspective, preparations include:
• Determine procurement strategy - the types of goods to be sourced, contract versus spot buys, and vendor recruitment plan
• Determine purchasing policies - authorizations, approvals, access rights, spending limits
• Determine financial settlement and logistics needs - payment, shipping, receiving
• Determine integration needs between e-procurement platform and back-end systems
From a vendor's perspective, preparations include:
• Put products and services online - create an electronic catalog
• Determine sales terms - pricing, discounts, contract buyer terms
• Determine financial settlement and logistics - invoicing, payment terms, shipping
• Determine promotion plans - advertising and sales
• Determine integration needs between e-procurement platform and back-office systems

Choosing the Right e-Procurement Solution
With many e-procurement solutions available today, companies must take a little time to choose the right one. Sometimes the choice will be obvious -- if most of your vendors are using solutions offered by a particular service provider, then stick with the same provider. In general, however, consider the following attributes when selecting an e-procurement platform.
• The characteristics of the platform
The e-procurement platform must have attributes that encourage usage, make it easy for vendors to join, and permit transactions to complete successfully. Key characteristics for success include:
• Easy to use so that buyers and vendors can become proficient quickly
• Intuitive interfaces, reports and tools to reduce the learning curve
• Flexible enough to accommodate direct and indirect purchasing needs, as well as contract versus spot buys
• Minimal required set-up and built-in tools to help vendors create catalogs and hook into the platform
• Interaction with other B2B forums to give e-procurement platform users access to a broader choice of vendors as desired
• Functionality rich enough to perform the range of purchasing tasks from searching, sourcing, bidding, purchasing, tracking, auditing and authorization management to catalog management.
• The cost to establish and join the platform
Some e-procurement software packages can be quite costly. Fortunately, there are a range of hosted, yet customizable, e-procurement solutions that are affordable and cost-effective for both the purchaser and its vendors. For a custom, hosted e-procurement solution, a company will usually pay a one-time license fee and a reasonable monthly charge for its operation and maintenance. Most service providers charge vendors a nominal fee to participate in the e-procurement platform. Nevertheless, purchaser and vendors alike must be able to justify any initial and recurring costs, including internal labor costs, associated with the platform. Tools or services, like authorization management and catalog management tools, offered by the service provider can help defray set-up costs. Participants may also decide to make additional investments in integrating their back-office systems with the platform.

Choosing the Right e-Procurement Partner
The party that provides and powers the e-procurement platform will have great influence over your success in using it. It is important to consider the qualities of the service provider as part of your research. As more B2B solution providers emerge, it is critical that companies perform their own diligence to assess the long-term viability of their selected partner. Essential characteristics for an e-procurement partner include:
• B2B knowledge
A strong grasp of B2B commerce from a business and technical perspective translates into cutting edge solutions for your e-procurement platform.
• Proven track record
A partner with a history of prosperous engagements and satisfied customers is likely to repeat its successes and perform well in the future.
• Successful business model
A partner with a winning business model will be financially successful and able to weather market fluctuations.
• Plan for growth and support of e-procurement solution
Since most e-procurement platforms will expand over time as additional vendors sign on, the partner should have a scalable operational model able to support the needs of your platform, as well as the other B2B commerce platforms that it supports.
• Willingness to make e-procurement platform successful
To be successful, an e-procurement platform must have a critical mass of vendors participating. A good partner will support its customers in their efforts to enlist vendors by providing a comprehensive set of marketing services and programs.
• B2B marketplace interaction
Every company can benefit occasionally by sourcing products or services outside of the universe of vendors connected to its own e-procurement platform. A partner that has access to and can connect diverse B2B forums with each other, including your e-procurement platform, allows its customers to reach a wide audience of vendors and/or buyers when needed, without sacrificing their membership in more specialized or custom-branded forums.
• Superior customer service
Partners that provide responsive and proactive customer service resolve issues quickly, disperse needed information in a timely manner and ensure the success of each participant in using the e-procurement platform.
• Broad value-added services
To extract the full benefits of their B2B solution, companies should look for a partner that offers value-added services, such as wireless capabilities, financial services and more.
• Strong partnerships
A partner with ties to other e-procurement platforms and B2B forums, technology companies and service providers can use those relationships to offer additional services to its customers.
With the advent of e-procurement platforms, purchasing organizations have the opportunity to make significant contributions to the corporate bottom line. With over $11 trillion spent purchasing goods in 1999, even a mere 1% cost savings adds $110 billion to profits. Who wouldn’t want a piece of these savings?
A variety of cost-effective yet powerful e-procurement platforms are available today, meaning that every size company can share in the $110 billion windfall. These solutions are bringing considerable productivity improvements, efficiency increases and quantifiable cost savings to their adopters. Making the proposition even sweeter is the availability of hosted, yet customizable, solutions at affordable prices, without the hassle of ongoing maintenance and support.
Want an easy way to be a hero in your company? Just tap into an e-procurement solution, and let the savings and praises follow.

Rabu, 15 April 2009


BCA secara resmi berdiri pada tanggal 21 Februari 1957 dengan nama Bank Central Asia NV.

Mobile Banking BCA atau dikenal dengan m-BCA merupakan layanan inovatif dari BCA yang menggunakan saluran komunikasi handphone sebagai medianya. Setiap pengguna handphone yang menggunakan kartu GSM, Pro XL, Mentari, dan Matrix, dapat menggunakan fasilitas m-BCA tersebut.

1. E-Business channel priorities

Produk yang diluncurkan sejak tiga tahun silam ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan jasa perbankan BCA bagi para nasabah yang kesibukan dan mobilitasnya cukup tinggi. Dengan m-BCA nasabah tidak perlu mendatangi mesin ATM atau cabang BCA terdekat untuk melakukan berbagai transaksi non tunai.
Beberapa layanan yang dapat diakses melalui telepon genggam ini antara lain:
1. Informasi saldo dan lima transaksi terakhir,
2. Transfer antar rekening BCA,
3. Pembayaran kartu kredit, telepon, internet dan lain-lain,
4. Isi ulang pulsa
Bertransaksi dengan menggunakan m-BCA aman dan terjamin meski tanpa bukti print out. Sebagai bukti transaksi kita akan memperoleh SMS balasan untuk setiap transaksi yang kita lakukan melalui ponsel.
Selain itu, untuk menjamin keamanan dan kerahasiaan rekening kita, m-BCA dilengkapi dengan system Personal Identification Number (PIN). PIN tersebut kita tentukan sendiri pada saat pendaftaran m-BCA yang dilakukan di mesin ATM BCA. Selain nomor PIN m-BCA tersebut, setiap transaksi melalui mobile banking ini juga akan di-encrypt (acak), sehingga keamanannya jadi berlapis.
Untuk memperoleh layanan m-BCA ini sangatlah mudah:
1. Nasabah harus pemegang kartu Paspor BCA dan menggunakan Kartu GSM Pro XL, Mentari, atau Matrix (yang sudah Mobile Banking Ready)
2. Melakukan create menu m-BCA pada Sim Card, khusus untuk pengguna kartu GSM Pro XL.
3. Melakukan Pendaftaran di ATM BCA.
4. Melakukan aktivasi pada ponsel dan cabang BCA terdekat.
Sementara beberapa saat lagi pelanggan Telkomsel bisa menikmati m-BCA, jadi serasa memiliki ATM dalam genggaman.

2. Organizational restructuring and capabilities

Organizational restructuring and capabilities terdiri dari :
- In-house division (intergration)
- Joint Venture
- Strategic Partnership (mixed)
- Spin Off (separation)
Organizational restructuring and capabilities bisa menjadi cara yang efektif dan efisien dalam pengembangan e-business BCA.

3 Business, service and revenue models

Business model e-business BCA dari sisi Marketplace Position adalah sebagai :

- Marketplace / exchange (intermediary)
Sebagai perantara dalam transaksi pertukaran / pengiriman uang antara nasabah yang satu dengan nasabah lain, baik itu dalam bank yang sama maupun antarbank.

1. m-Transfer
• Transfer ke Rekening BCA,
• Transfer ke Rekening bank lain
2. m-Payment
Pembayaran berbagai macam tagihan kartu kredit, PLN, PAM, handphone, telepon, asuransi, pendidikan,dll
3. m-Commerce
Pembelian pulsa isi ulang, kartu Blitz, saham,dll

- Media owner / publisher (intermediary)
Sebagai penyedia informasi (m-info)
• Informasi Saldo,
• Mutasi Rekening,
• Info Kurs,
• Info suku bunga tabungan / deposito Rp / deposito valas,
• Info kode bank (untuk mengetahui kode transfer antar bank),
• Info kode perusahaan (yang digunakan pada m-Payment dan m-Commerce),
• Info nomor kupon undian Gebyar Tahapan BCA,
• Info rekening Deposito
• Info NAB dan saldo Reksadana
• Info saldo dan transaksi kartu kredit BCA*
(m-admin) ganti PIN

Revenue Model e-business BCA adalah Commision-based Sales
Revenue didapat dari hasil transaksi pengiriman uang antar bank, transaksi pembayaran seperti asuransi, kartu kredit, saham, pendidikan, dll.

4. Marketplace restructuring

Marketplace restructuring yang bisa dilakukan dari sisi sell side dan buy side :
- sell side : disintermediation (sell-direct), contohnya bisa menjual langsung kartu kredit dan kredit konsumer yang lainnya melalui pengisian aplikasi online
- buy side : disintermediation & buy melalui intermediary baru spt B2B bisa mulai dilakukan dalam sistem e-procurement yang saat ini masih ditangani divisi logistik.

5 :Market and product development strategies
- Market Penetration
Menggunakan mobile untuk meningkatkan market share growth, meningkatkan loyalitas customer dengan memberikan layanan transaksional online yang sangat memberikan kemudahan sehingga loyalitas customer bisa ditingkatkan, terutama customer dengan mobilitas yang tinggi.
- Market Development
menggunakan mobile untuk menetapkan target market yang baru, semua pengguna mobile dengan kartu GSM Pro XL, Mentari, atau Matrix (yang sudah Mobile Banking Ready)
- Product Development

Current :
m-BCA merupakan layanan perbankan yang mudah, praktis, aman dan user friendly.
Anda dapat betransaksi dengan menu yang ada, dan tidak perlu memiliki ketrampilan khusus untuk menggunakannya.
Anda dapat langsung bertransaksi perbankan melalui ponsel kapan saja dan dimana saja.
m-BCA dilengkapi dengan sistem proteksi yang maksimal. Selain menggunakan PIN yang Anda pilih sendiri dan nomor ponsel yang Anda daftarkan, setiap transaksi yang Anda lakukan juga akan di-encrypt (diacak) untuk menjamin keamanan transaksi Anda.
User Friendly
Menu m-BCA dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah digunakan oleh siapa saja.Anda hanya perlu memilih jenis transaksi dari menu yang sudah tersedia, sehingga tidak perlu mengingat / menghafal kode transaksi yang ingin dilakukan.
Melalui m-BCA, Anda seperti memiliki ATM BCA pribadi dalam genggaman tangan Anda, karena berbagai transaksi yang dapat dilakukan di ATM BCA dapat dilakukan melalui m-BCA (kecuali penarikan tunai).
Future : menerapkan fitur-fitur yang terdapat dalam klikbca ke dalam m-bca seperti menu pembelian dan pengaturan jadwal transfer.

6 :Positioning and differentiation strategies

Positioning klikbca adalah sebagai layanan perbankan mobile dengan product performance exccellence melalui ketersediaan kustomisasi produk mobile. Dari sisi price performance, m-bca adalah layanan transaksional online bagi para nasabah BCA dengan praktis aman dan nyaman. Serasa memiliki ATM dalam genggaman.

Rabu, 08 April 2009

Create summary guide for a small retailer company about the stages that are necessary in the creation of a website and the management issues involved.

Summary guide for a small retailer company about the stages that are necessary in the creation of a website:

1. menentukan jenis website, misalnya marketing, e-commerce, e-learning.
2. menentukan content web site, misalnya home, produk (definisi produk), contact, guestbook, transaksi online, dll.
3. menyesuaikan desain dan kebutuhan website sesuai dengan target pengunjung.

Mempunyai image, tujuan dan karakteristik sesuai dengan produk dn kebutuhan customer.

Lay out & HTML
Lay out berisi text, image, button, box, dll kemudian diconvert ke dalam coding HTML

Untuk memeriksa apakah semua fungsi web sudah bisa digunakan dengan semestinya

1. menentukan jenis (internal/external), ukuran (size / gb) dan biaya per tahun web hosting.
2. menentukan nama dan biaya untuk penamaan domain. Untuk nama, jika ingin menggunakan yang relative murah ataupun gratis maka menggunakan sub domain yang relative agak panjang sehinggan susah untuk diingat oleh user, tapi jika menggunakan domain yang bayar, maka akan lebih gampang diingat karena relative lebih pendek dan menunjukkan kredibilitas perusahaan itu sendiri.
3. promosi untuk menambah jumlah pengunjung web site dengan cara melalui search engine, link dan situs lain (adsense), promosi manual melaui poster, brosur, kartu nama, dll.

1. meng up date data, informasi dan desain yang dibutuhkan oleh pengunjung, sehingga pengunjung lebih tertarik untuk mengikuti terus perkembangan dari informasi web site kita.
2. membangun security seperti firewall, security forensic dll untuk mencegah hacker, spam ataupun virus
3. menerima dan membalas feedback dari user sebagai bahan pertimbangan evaluasi agar perkembangan web lebih baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan user.

The management issues involved:

1. Menentukan jenis e-business, apakah SCM, e-procurement, penerbitan / percetakkan buku, food and beverages ataupun yang lainnya.
2. Menentukan teknologi yang akan digunakan, apakah web based, email, forum, ataukah yang lainnya dengan mempertimbangkan kemampuan teknologi untuk adaptive teknologi-teknologi baru.
3. Membuat suatu KPI (Key Performance Indicator) terhadap service yang ingin dicapai. Misalnya kecepatan web/bandwith, security, availability(kapasitas), errors, dst. Dalam issue ini amat sangat berpengaruh di saat mendesign dan implementasi e-business ini.
4. Menentukan hosting, internal atau external, jika web yang dibuat memerlukan keamanan seperti banking dan perubahan yang significant (2 arah) seperti game online, maka dianjurkan untuk menggunakan internal hosting, agar keamanan data tetap terjaga, tetapi untuk yang menggunakan web hosting biasa, dianjurkan untuk menggunakan external hosting, karena lebih murah, efisien dan cepat.
5. Integrasi terhadap aplikasi sebagai solusi dari bisnis dengan partner/legacy system. Karena retailer perlu memerhatikan SCM (Supply Chain Management) untuk perkembangan ke depan.
6. Menggunakan aplikasi yang open source misalnya PHP, My Sql untuk memudahakan dalam akses platform dan pengembangannya
7. Menentukan skema dan schedule untuk mengatur kualitas data dan content dari e-business sehingga memudahkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan informasi yang berbobot dan selalu up to date.
8. Menentukan waktu dan hak akses untuk karyawan (user), sehingga penggunan web akan lebih aman dan optimal.
9. Maintaince data, yang masih diperlukan disimpan, yang sudah tidak diperlukan, dihapus agar tidak menjadi bug ataupun error.

Rabu, 01 April 2009

Google's Revenue Model

Google offers targeted advertising solutions and global Internet search solutions. Its principal products and services include:

Google AdWords
Google AdWords is a pay per click advertising program of Google designed to allow the advertisers to present advertisements to people at the instant the people are looking for information related to what the advertiser has to offer. When a user searches Google's search engine, ads for relevant words are shown as "sponsored link" on the right side of the screen, and sometimes above the main search results. Google generate most of the revenue from Google AdWords. In year 2005, Google launched the Google Publication Ads Program through which they distribute their advertisers’ ads for publication in magazines. Google recognize as revenue the fees charged advertisers when their ads are published in magazines.

Pay per Click Advertising: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is the best way to send immediate, targeted traffic to your website. It is an online advertising payment model in which payment is based onqualifying click-throughs. An advertiser has to pay every time his ad receives a click. The Advertisers decide the keywords relevant to their offer that should display their ad and the maximum amount they are willing to pay per click for that keyword.

source : http://www.organicspam.com/google_revenue_model.asp

Facebook revenue model now includes corporate networks

Facebook is moving into the corporate world with a limited beta of 10 companies. Facebook revenues are estimated at $1M per week, or about $50M. MySpace is believed to be in the $200M range for this year. InsideFacebook believes the 10 companies in the beta are: Accenture, Amazon, Apple, EA, Gap, Intel, Intuit, Microsoft, Pepsi, PWC and Teach for America.

Facebook is falling way behind MySpace in terms of members, page views and revenues. Take a look at this chart from Alexa comparing Facebook page views to MySpace. MySpace has about 10X the traffic of Facebook. Rumors have MySpace revenues at $200M versus $50M for Facebook.

NewsCorp paid $580M for MySpace about a year ago. Facebook recently raised another $25M in VC money at a valuation rumored to be around $750M. Wallop was recently spun out of Microsoft, and will probably compete in this space.

Microsoft is included in the beta, presumably because so many existing Facebook users now work at Microsoft. I signed up for a Facebook account and was surprised to see how many Microsoft people were already members. There is no accurate way to count, Facebook search is very crude, but my guess is several hundred, maybe a lot more.

Facebook is still very much a college focused site. The personal profile includes choices like; Single, In a relationship, In an open relationship, Married, Its complicated. It also has a category called Looking For: that includes choices like; Dating, Relationship, Random play, Whatever I can get.

A typical Facebook profile will include a list of "Friends" with pictures, your personal profile information, your interests in; Music, Books, Movies, Television, Quotes, etc. Friends include people in your own network (school) and friends from networks sorted by school.

Facebook will need to change significantly to attract the corporate world. LinkedIn is actually a useful corporate networking tool. Facebook has a long way to go. Or, perhaps Facebook has no intention of being useful to the corporate crowd. Maybe they just want to follow their existing members from college into the work world as a way for them to maintain friendships.

There are concerns about corporate types having access to all these college kids profiles. It will be interesting to see how existing Facebook users react. My guess is there will not be much of a problem. There are only 10 companies involved in the beta, and the vast majority of these users are recent college grads with existing Facebook accounts.

My guess is that Facebook will not catch on with the corporate crowd. But, existing Facebook users will continue to use their accounts when they join the work force, and add their companies to their profiles. Young people change jobs often and these social networks can help them find their next opportunity. LinkedIn is way ahead in terms of useful features for people interested in corporate networking.

source : http://dondodge.typepad.com/the_next_big_thing/2006/04/facebook_revenu.html

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

meta service definition

“ Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Meta Data Services is an enabling technology for defining and populating information models. It is used by software engineering and development tools to share information about engineered artifacts. Engineered artifacts include software components, manufactured components, databases, documents, maps, and Web pages in short, anything about which you might want to share information that has a complex structure”

source :

Meta Data Services is an object-oriented repository technology that can be integrated with enterprise information systems or with applications that process metadata.

A number of Microsoft technologies use Meta Data Services as a native store for object definitions or as a platform for deploying metadata. One of the ways in which Microsoft SQL Server 2000 uses Meta Data Services is to store versioned DTS Packages. In Microsoft Visual Studio Meta Data Services supports the exchange of model data with other development tools.

Users can use Meta Data Services for their own purposes: as a component of an integrated information system, as a native store for custom applications that process metadata, or as a storage and management service for sharing reusable models. Users can also extend Meta Data Services to provide support for new tools for resale or customize it to satisfy internal tool requirements.

source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta_Data_Services